Wednesday, December 28, 2016 the way you've always done things still serving your best life?

I've enjoyed intense, 'typical' exercise most of my adult life. It's been a stress reliever and contributed to my overall happiness. Genetically, resistance training with a bit of cardio is what is 'right' for me (proven with a genetic test). I'm much more drawn to a weight room than a marathon.

For many more months than I wish to admit I have been in pain that is progressing and limiting me in both stationary positions and when moving. Being an active person, this isn't cool. It's affecting my sense of health and well-being because it is limiting my yoga practice, workouts and ability to sit comfortably. 

Being holistically minded in my health approach, I have been trying body-based approaches to healing - massage, chiropractic, fascial release, physical therapy, and also consideration of my nutritional choices. Of late I have come to suspect a connective tissue disorder of some type so I've been marginally exploring other methodologies.

In another aspect of my life I have recently become interested in non-linear movement patterns - too much to get into, but as it relates to my pain... I believe that linear, repetitive positions and movements are hurting me. Status quo when it comes to yoga, 'exercise', etc... isn't enough for me anymore. It's limiting the overall benefit that movement can bring to my life - one that goes beyond a lean, strong body but also enhances an open heart and settled mind. In short, I want feel good.

This morning I spent more than an hour exploring a particular type of somatic movement - I feel so much better than I did when I went to bed last night and woke up this morning. So much so that I sent a message to one of the practitioners to say 'thank you'...and looked into training in this particular modality. I plan to commit to one particular session regularly for 2 weeks and see what happens to this long standing, progressive pain. 

I want and intend to feel good in my life - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually and as I've alluded above...these aspects aren't mutually exclusive. They are connected, which is why it is important to me to feel healthy and balanced in my physical body. The recognition of linear movement has me wondering about linear thinking...I'm curious if I have blinders on and if that's limiting my self-awareness and personal growth in some way.

All of this to pose the question for the way you've always done things still serving your best life? What would it be like to explore another way of doing, thinking, heck....maybe even believing? An exploration of new ideas, ways of being, movement patterns, nutritional choices, communicating - the opportunities are endless!

Pick one and give it a try...
Let me know how it goes.



  1. As a follow up to this post: Changing my diet has been the single most effective thing I've done to reduce the pain I was referring to. Not to say that I don't still feel the effects of working out or working hard, (or being (almost) 49), but the systemic inflammation that was being caused by my diet is note-worthy and enough to lead to some even more pointed choices in my what-I-thought-was-pretty-good diet. Additionally, the movement practices I was trying out are still a part of my regimen and have inspired me to learn more, to share with my students and to offer a new Thursday morning movement class. Open your hearts, mind and body to learning more.

  2. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. It helps. At 55 and in pain... it is time for changes! Your name has been mentioned to me several times in a few weeks. :) can you tell me about your movement class? Thank you!
