Sunday, December 4, 2016

Life Change - Do you lean-in or turn-away?

I find myself in an edgy position as the year closes. My CVS position is dissolving. While I could 'blame' this on the industry I am fully aware of the energy that I've been emitting regarding my dissatisfaction with this aspect of my, self-fulfilling prophecy? Maybe. Pharmacy has been a 'safe' livelihood for 23 years. I was able to maintain a comfortable lifestyle while raising two children as a single parent, to explore ownership as an independent pharmacist and to rely upon a steady income while I've explored my heart's desire of health and wellness. So I'm asking myself now...look for another pharmacy job? Jump into Wellness Pursuits full-time and trust that my knowledge, experience and passion will fuel the income needed to let go of pharmacy work? Go back to school?

I don't have the answer yet and I'm sure there will be a multitude of emotions to delve into and a few sleepless nights as I move through the experience. I share a bit of my story to ask YOU, when faced with a life change that scares the hell out of you and recognizing the choice to stay in your comfort zone or push into the edge of and sit in the midst of the unknown...what do you choose? How has it turned out? Do you have regrets? What did you learn in the process? I'm not looking for advice, just nuggets of experience that might inspire my process. 

Cheers to leaning into the edge with courage and faith~

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