Sunday, November 19, 2017

I remember noticing one Sunday in early fall 2011 that I was 'too much in my head' and needed to get out ...(and onto a motorcycle). 

For me, movement creates flow - it helps break up the dams that are causing me to feel stuck, anxious, fearful, (choose your metaphor) and it often reveals solutions or new pathways that feel like they were there all along. (This is probably why I have loved exercise and yoga (and motorcycling) for so long.) 
At that time I just couldn't see the path for all of the 'thinking' I was doing but I could feel the 'stuckness'.
With attention to body sensations, I now know when it's time to move - whether that be physically in a day or metaphorically in my life.
This is how Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy works... with attention to the physical body, there is an entry way into the soul - that inner wisdom that knows what is best and true. 
We all have this ability but the world we live in, full of distractions and chaos, makes it challenging to hear. Sometimes support is needed and this is where a yoga therapy session may prove useful.

I DO the work by engaging in monthly sessions for mySelf and I offer the support to others.
Body listening for Life change.

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