Friday, May 20, 2016

Self-improvement - All you need to know is right here

August 9, 2015 - What I discovered in Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy

“If light is in your heart, you will find your way home.” ~Rumi

Ever feel like life is just one long self-improvement project?

I've been feeling this lately as I approach my fitness, nutrition, relationships, business, attitude - pretty much all aspects of my life. While I think there is value to noticing how improving our selves can ripple out to improve the world at large, I also think there is value in stopping in our momentum to somewhere else to observe THIS moment. To take in what is happening through the 5 senses, really, slow down and notice sight, sound, taste, smell and touch. To turn inward and get in touch with what I know to be true for me, without the interference of outside expectations, should's and have-to's. When I take the pause I realize that all is well. 

Am I enough? It depends on what enough is for ME. An example - I was perusing Amazon this morning giving consideration to a self-help book. In evaluating my investment I was led to at least 4 other books, of which I also evaluated. In the end, I didn't purchase anything because I realized there is likely nothing in those books that I don't already have an understanding about based on my life experiences up to this point (or in the multitudes of books that are already on my shelf!) 
Do I have the answers? Yes. I believe I do. They are in me. I can feel them. The books, classes, people and experiences that I seek for guidance typically only validate what I already know. In essence they 'give me permission' to trust my inner-knowing. This was my 'aha!' this morning...why am I looking for validation or permission (from an outside source) to trust what I already know?
Will I stop my quest for health and wellness, quality relationships, meaningful work and a healthy attitude? Nope, because those things are my truth and my deepest intention in pursuing them isn't to beat myself up for not being enough, but to connect more deeply to myself and to others. There's always more to learn, discoveries are made every day that have the potential to shift my perception. I'm open to that and will read a book or seek an experience to better understand after I've taken the pause to check into what I already know to be true. ~YL

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